Lawmaking Around the World in the Time of COVID-19

Thursday, October 22, 2020   12:30 PM - 2:00 PM EDT

COVID-19 has presented unprecedented challenges for legislatures and policymakers around the world. Please join us for a unique opportunity to hear from our esteemed panelists on how legislatures have responded to this ongoing crisis. Dr. Ronan Cormacain (British Institute of International and Comparative Law), Dr. Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov (Bar Ilan University), and Mr. Noah Wofsy (U.S. House of Representatives) will discuss emergency legislation and other challenges presented by lawmaking during a public health emergency, drawing on illustrative examples from various countries. Attention will be paid to COVID-19-related procedural changes in the U.S. House of Representatives, such as proxy voting. The panel will be moderated by Tobias Dorsey (White House Office of Administration) and will be open to questions from participants. 

For additional materials on proxy voting in the U.S. House of Representatives, see here >.


Co-hosted by Penn Carey Law of the University of Pennsylvania


Pandemic Health Legislation and Policy Around the World: What Have We Learned and What Is Needed Now?


Legislation as an Interdisciplinary Challenge